Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Entering in to year 2009, I condemn the israel, jewish nation with hatred in MY hearts, because of their cruel attacks to our muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. They kill the people without thinking if they are women, children, old or sick. I hereby condemn the USA and western countries backing up the israel who has been a trouble for the humanity a long the history! Although they have the sameblood with muslims, I also condemn the Arabian countries with hate, because they turn their back to Muhammadian conciousness, become servant to USA and become mute to what is happenning to our brothers and sisters! No matter how much Jews forget the days in which the blood they shed had swallowed them , ALLAH most high is El-Muntaqim(Avenger) and make them live those days to these cruel people! I call all islamic nations to unite, be ONE and withstand against this cruelty!

I am calling all believers to pray to ALLAH to return this blood river to the ones who shed it!
May ALLAH give us, Muslims the Muhammadian conciousness! And May ALLAH give it quick InsyaALLAH!..

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